Wednesday, August 10, 2011


It has been one week since we left CA for Brazil.  It took us two days to get here and now we can see that our time here is winding down.  As my first missions trip, it is hard to imagine having a better time with such good people as we have had here this last week.  We are just past the half-way point of our trip so I will share a few thoughts about people who have given their lives to helping others.

First, I would like to say what a blessing it has been to come down to Brazil and work along side the Latham's.  We have always enjoyed the Latham's company when they had been to our church but now they are like family to us.  I usually refer to Tom as 'Brother Latham' never realizing that he has a PHD.  Each evening,  Dr. Latham has spent an hour with the entire group teaching us about missions and serving the Lord.  He and Penny have endured a great deal of heartache along the way yet they continue to be faithful to their calling for nearly 40 years now.  They are an incredible inspiration to me and have made a positive impact that will reflect itself in my ministry.  I am very happy that two of my daughters could be here to learn from Tom and Penny.

This trip has given us the chance to make some new friends.  Jack and Paula Herbert have been serving the Lord full-time since their college days.  Brother Herbert is the principal of a Christian school and music director for his local church.  Each of their four children have dedicated their lives to the Lord and are very talented musically.  They have also primarily served in the capacity of teaching young people.  The Herberts have befriended us and have shown care and concern for the young people in our youth group.  The Herbert's ministry here has made everything better with their music and their sincerity.  Also, congratulations to Jack and Paula who celebrate their 34th wedding anniversary on Friday!

Erick is a fine young man who has given the next three months to working with the Latham's.  Erick has a servant's heart and is well-liked by everyone.  He has been a lot of fun to hang out with.  We just need a basketball goal so he can show us his hoop-skills.  Keep him in prayer as he seeks the Lord concerning his future.

Finally, I want to give a special word of thanks to all the dedicated school teachers, administrators and support staff for giving of themselves to preparing children and training them for success.  In America, teachers are generally under-appreciated while here in Brazil, I have been told that they are even less appreciated and not well compensated compared to American teachers.  Below are pictures of some of the teachers and staff we have been with the last two days.

Tonight I preached in another church that was started by Dr. Latham and is now being pastored by a Brazilian national.  It was a blessing to speak again and to try and encourage another group of believers.

One more long day tomorrow.  Keep praying!

Two teachers and a secretary.

This teacher was asking Dr. Latham if he could teach her English.  He told her he had an English class on Sunday morning that she could attend!

The teacher on the right said she is a Christian!
Fourth Grade.

Another teacher.

These nice ladies who work in food service gave me a cup of coffee.

The lady between Dr. Latham and Teresa Herbert is the Vice Principal.  Her name is Claudia.

Teacher in the middle - patiently doing her job!
Dr. Latham giving his testimony to high school students and teachers.

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